When gold reaches the nisab, which is 85 grams or more, and a year has passed, then the nisab must be calculated and a quarter of a tenth of it, i.e. 2.5%, should be taken out.
Islam: Zakat is not permissible from an infidel
Full ownership: that is, the money for its owner is stable with him
Growth: It means that money grows and increases or is subject to increase
The need for basic needs such as food, drink, housing, and maintenance for children, the wife, and those who are obliged to spend.
Al-Hawl: That is, the passage of a full Hijri year over the funds, due to the saying of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: “There is no zakat on money until the year has passed on it.”
Owner of the Nisab: That is, to own the Nisab that the Lawgiver set for Zakat.
Zakat is obligatory on every Muslim, male or female, young or old, sane or insane, if the conditions for zakat are met in money.
The virtue of zakat is well known to anyone, as it is beneficial and good for the one who pays the zakat, as well as for society.
Nisab: the minimum amount of wealth that a Muslim must possess before zakat is due on him.
Hawl: It is the full Hijri year, i.e. 354 days.